Sunday, December 16, 2012

Had this dream...

My current roommate and only friend, we were living in this big house and he wanted me to move out. He was ubber pissed at me. So I found a place, garage sized, and started moving my stuff. It was a slow process but at one point when I went back to confirm I got things, he started grabbing stuff and piling it in my arms and telling me to leave. I was like "What the heck? I'm getting my stuff." So I put my stuff in whatever vehicle I was using, and go back and he is locking up to leave with a girl. (and a couple other people but I just sensed them, didn't see them).
I stopped him and said "Hey, are you done being my friend?"
He said "Yes"
I started holding back tears and asked "Why?"
Angrily he said "Cuz you dont know how to communicate and you wont change"

I said something else, but I was also waking up at the time so I don't remember what I said. But my eyes feel heavy and my body is stressed .... that was a bad dream. :/

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